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Embarrassed Mum: Caught My Son Playing Pokemon Arcade With Pokemon Cards In Shopping Mall

Dear Agony Aunt,

I am writing to seek your advice on a matter that has been causing me great distress. My son, who is in secondary school, has recently taken a keen interest in playing Pokemon arcade games along the walkways in shopping malls. 

Not only that, but he also carries around a stack of Pokemon playing cards for those arcades wherever he goes. I am deeply embarrassed by his behavior, especially when my friends and acquaintances have witnessed it. I feel like he should have outgrown such childish pursuits by now, and I worry about the impact it may have on his reputation and future prospects.

How can I address this situation without causing a rift between us, and how can I help him focus on more age-appropriate activities?

Concerned Mother

Dear Concerned Mother,

It’s understandable that you may feel embarrassed by your son’s interests, especially when they seem out of step with what is considered age-appropriate. However, it’s important to remember that children develop at their own pace and have their own unique passions. It’s also crucial to consider the positive aspects of your son’s hobbies, such as the social and strategic skills he may be developing through playing Pokemon games and collecting cards.

Instead of focusing on your embarrassment, try to engage with your son about his interests. Show genuine curiosity and ask him to teach you about the game and the cards. This will not only strengthen your bond but also give you a better understanding of why he finds these activities so engaging. Additionally, consider exploring other activities that align with his interests, such as joining a Pokemon trading card club or attending gaming events where he can connect with like-minded individuals.

When it comes to addressing concerns about age-appropriateness, have an open and non-judgmental conversation with your son. Express your worries about how others may perceive his hobbies and discuss the importance of balancing his interests with activities that align with his age and stage of development. Encourage him to explore new hobbies and interests while still allowing him to enjoy his current pursuits in moderation.

Remember that your son’s happiness and well-being should take precedence over societal expectations. Embracing and supporting his passions, even if they differ from your own, can go a long way in nurturing a healthy parent-child relationship.

Best wishes,
Agony Aunt