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Concerned Mother Seeks Answers: Unexplained Bruises on Daughter’s Arms

Dear Agony Aunt,

I am writing to seek your advice on a troubling matter regarding my teenage daughter. Recently, I noticed unexplained bruise marks on her arms, and when I asked her about it, she became defensive and refused to talk about it.

This behavior is very unlike her, and I am deeply concerned about what could be causing these bruises and her reluctance to open up to me. I want to help her, but I don’t know how to approach the situation without pushing her away. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Worried Mother

Dear Worried Mother,

I can understand how distressing it must be to see your daughter with unexplained bruise marks and her unwillingness to discuss it. It’s important to approach this situation with sensitivity and understanding. Firstly, I would recommend creating a safe and non-judgmental space for your daughter to open up about what might be causing the bruises. Let her know that you are there to support her and that she can trust you with whatever is troubling her.

If she continues to be reluctant, consider seeking the help of a professional, such as a school counselor or a therapist, who can provide a neutral and supportive environment for your daughter to express herself. It’s crucial to take her concerns seriously and not dismiss them as trivial.

Additionally, keep an eye on any changes in her behavior or mood, as these could be indicators of underlying issues. Encourage open communication and assure her that you are there to listen without judgment. Above all, let her know that she is not alone and that you are committed to helping her through whatever challenges she may be facing.

I hope these suggestions provide some guidance as you navigate this difficult situation. Remember, patience and understanding are key as you work to support your daughter through this mysterious and concerning issue.

Best wishes,
Agony Aunt