Tuition Near Me (TNM) Education Ambassador Programme

TNM Education Ambassador Programme

About the Programme

In response to the pressing need for improved access to quality education in Southeast Asia, Tuition Near Me (TNM) has launched the TNM Education Ambassador Programme. This innovative initiative aims to address the educational disparity faced by over 40 million children in the region, as highlighted by UNESCO.

The programme is designed to engage highly motivated individuals between the ages of 18 and 28, who are passionate about making a positive impact in the field of education. Through this programme, TNM seeks to harness the expertise and dedication of young individuals to curate and provide high-quality educational content for the most vulnerable populations in Southeast Asia.

Selected applicants will have the opportunity to contribute their knowledge and skills by creating a minimum of three educational modules in subjects such as Math, Science, Humanities, English, Chinese, and other relevant areas.

These modules must be tailored to meet the specific needs of the target audience, ensuring that the educational content is both relevant and impactful.

Upon successful completion of their modules, participants will be recognized as TNM Educational Ambassadors for the given year. They will receive a certificate acknowledging their valuable contributions to the most vulnerable populations in Southeast Asia. This recognition will not only honor their efforts but also solidify their position as advocates for quality education within their communities.

The TNM Education Ambassador Programme represents a unique opportunity for young individuals to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are most in need.

Join us as a TNM Education Ambassador by submitting the application form below.

Application Form