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Worried Mother: My Son Suddenly Became Very Quiet After Entering Primary School

Dear Agony Aunt,

I am writing to seek your advice regarding my 10-year-old son. Ever since he started primary school, he has become increasingly quiet and withdrawn. He used to be a chatty and sociable child, always eager to share his thoughts and experiences with us.

However, over the past couple of years, he has become extremely reserved and reluctant to engage in conversations with me or any other family members.

I have tried talking to him about his feelings and concerns, but he always brushes it off and insists that everything is fine. I am worried that something might be bothering him, but he refuses to open up. It breaks my heart to see him so distant and disconnected from us. I am not sure how to approach this situation and would greatly appreciate any advice you can offer.
Concerned Mother

Dear Concerned Mother,

It is understandable that you are feeling distressed about your son’s sudden change in behavior. It is not uncommon for children to go through phases of quietness and withdrawal, especially during transitional periods such as starting primary school. However, it is important to address your concerns and try to understand what might be causing your son’s reluctance to communicate.

First and foremost, I encourage you to create a safe and non-judgmental space for your son to express himself. Let him know that you are there to listen without imposing any pressure on him to speak. Sometimes, children may find it difficult to articulate their emotions and may need time to process their thoughts before opening up.

Additionally, consider seeking the support of a school counselor or child psychologist who can provide professional guidance and support for your son. They may be able to uncover any underlying issues that could be contributing to his silence and help him work through his feelings in a constructive manner.

It is also important to observe any changes in his behavior or mood that may indicate potential sources of distress, such as bullying, academic challenges, or social anxiety. By being attentive and empathetic, you can better understand his perspective and provide the necessary support.

Above all, remember to be patient and persistent in your efforts to connect with your son. Building trust and maintaining open lines of communication will be crucial in helping him feel comfortable enough to share his thoughts and feelings with you.

I hope these suggestions offer some guidance as you navigate this challenging situation. Remember that you are not alone, and seeking professional assistance can provide valuable insights and support for both you and your son.

Best wishes,
Agony Aunt