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Advice Needed: My Son Has No Close Friends in His Primary School

Dear Agony Aunt,

I am writing to you with a heavy heart as I am deeply worried about my son’s transition to primary school. He is a sensitive and shy child, and he hasn’t had any close friends in his pre-school.

I am concerned about how he is coping with the new environment and making friends in a larger and more formal setting. I want him to feel comfortable and supported as he navigates this new chapter in his life.

Do you have any advice on how I can help him adjust and find his place in the new school?

Concerned Mother

Dear Concerned Mother,

I can understand your apprehension about your son’s transition to primary school. It’s natural to worry about our children’s well-being, especially in new and unfamiliar situations. The good news is that there are several things you can do to help your son adjust and thrive in his new school environment.

First and foremost, try to maintain open communication with your son about his feelings and experiences. Encourage him to express any worries or fears he may have about starting at a new school. Reassure him that it’s okay to feel nervous and that you are there to support him every step of the way.

Additionally, consider reaching out to the school to see if there are any orientation programs or activities designed to help incoming students acclimate to the new environment. This can provide your son with an opportunity to familiarize himself with the school and potentially meet some of his future classmates.

Encourage your son to participate in extracurricular activities or clubs that align with his interests. This can be a wonderful way for him to meet like-minded peers and form friendships based on shared hobbies or passions.

Lastly, consider arranging playdates or social gatherings with other children from the school. Building connections outside of the classroom can help your son feel more at ease when he officially begins his primary school journey.

Remember, every child adjusts to change at their own pace, and it’s important to be patient and supportive as your son navigates this transition. With your understanding and guidance, I am confident that he will find his place and form meaningful connections at his new school.

Warm regards,
Agony Aunt